February 12, 2025

The Royal Guardsman Mk2

I fell into a rabbit hole – again – building a scale model. This happens almost every time but this time it seemed deeper than usual. Was it because of me having an exceptionally good time? Or bad? Am I getting old and just slow? I really don’t know.

With these plunges comes a problem. I have trouble focusing on anything else while building. For someone earning a living as a freelancer this is not a good thing. And yes, now that the model is finished I need to find some paid work. I spent way too much time with this.

Anyway, I would like to say this Mandalorian N-1 starfighter model is very cool! It is from Revell Germany and at 1/24 scale it is properly big. Finally, a Star Wars plastic injection kit model big enough to my preferences! I made changes to it so it is not like the one you saw in The Mandalorian tv-show. It is not like the one in The Phantom Menace either. It’s a custom, a remake of a small white AMT model I built a couple of years ago, it is the “Royal Guardsman Mark 2”, if you will.

The cause of the deeper than usual rabbit hole was my ambition. I wanted to try something despite having failed at it earlier. The idea of using a metallic basecoat and painting colour on top is perhaps not ideal but I wanted to try it. It’s because of the effect I thought could be achieved by it. It’s about the top layer of paint peeling off due to friction or stress revealing metallic materials under it. This is a spaceship after all.

The build itself was great fun but the ambitious paint design hit a snag. Here is some of the hardest part of the build process photographed from top.

This all took a long time because every layer of paint had to dry for a couple of days. First basecoat, then gloss black, metal on top of that and then white. I was not able to do much else while waiting. The immersion building these is very deep! For me, at least.

In the meanwhile I tinkered with assorted details around the model. Installing lights here and there.

In the end everything worked quite well and I am very happy with the final version. I think this willl perform well in photographs once I get there.

I have never built a model twice. Once a model is finished I don’t want to see it for a while. You know? There has to be some distance before I can think of photographing it. But with this one I don’t feel that need and I’m thinking of building another one. Some day.

December 2, 2024

The Great Indoors

Musings about Lego indoors photography in the Star Wars niche. Not terribly much options for that but enough to be inspired.

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October 28, 2024

The Halloween Far, Far Away….

About Halloween, All Saints’ Day, Kekri and a little bit about Christmas too. But mostly about snowy Jack-o’-lanterns on Hoth.

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